Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening


changed color to a variety of reasons or other special tooth whitening teeth a few shades of color that is used to open an oxygenation method. The natural color of teeth , thicken with external factors . Practice or at home teeth whitening that can be opened with the teeth 2-10 shades in a satisfactory bleaching and obtain a beautiful smile . Bleaching process must be performed under professional control . 

Are two types of tooth discoloration . 

1 - Internal discoloration : Brushing your teeth into the process and can not be removed with color . structural changes occurring during the formation of teeth also comes into this class . Whitening procedure is very successful in this type of situation . 

2 - Non- spotting : Tooth surface , some foods , cigarettes, tea, coffee, coloring materials such as adhesive, color . After cleaning the plaque and brushing often with a professional to get rid of these spots is possible .


Different coloring requires different treatment . Therefore, what type of application must be made with our dentist decide is best . 

during or after bleaching , some people complained they light sensitivity . This sensitivity will disappear entirely between 1-3 days . The system requires that a significant procedure is complete and accurate fulfillment . Whitening procedure is done by great people , and so is a very effective method of aesthetic development .

Updated Date : 12-06-2024 21:16:22